
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

The Most Likely Saboteur of the Nord Stream Pipeline is the USA

On Monday, pressure in the undersea Nord Stream 2 pipeline suddenly collapsed, and gas could be seen bubbling to the surface of the Baltic Sea near the Danish island of Bornholm. Shortly afterwards, reports came of a total collapse in the pressure of our other major undersea pipeline connection to Russia, Nord Stream 1, indicating a further rupture.

The Swedish National Seismic Network confirmed that as many as 30 of their measuring stations recorded the explosions with one of them having the strength of 2.3 on the Richter scale.

The pipeline had been filled with gas following its completion in November 2021, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz refused to certify its operation, and so it has remained out of service. Whilst the pipes were not operational, they were full of gas, approximately two days’ worth for Germany at a market value of more than €800 million. Most of the financial burden of Monday’s events will fall firmly on Russia, as they owned the gas.  According to the Danish energy authority, more than half of the gas has already escaped from the lines concerned. The lines are expected to be empty on Sunday.

Two Nord Stream 1 leaks have now been identified; like the Nord Stream 2 rupture, they’re near Bornholm. There are three ruptures in total.

The EU and NATO assume sabotage. The Kremlin rejected speculation on Wednesday about Russian participation in the damage to the pipelines as “stupid and absurd.” German security authorities meanwhile assume that the three tubes of the North Stream Baltic Sea pipeline 1 and 2 after suspected acts of sabotage will be unusable forever.

Danish armed forces published a brief statement on Tuesday about the gas leaks, together with the video below.

Se video og fotos af gaslækagerne på Nord Stream 1 og 2-gasledningerne i Østersøen på https://t.co/pj96CN7CDB: https://t.co/7bgt8TljaH #dkforsvar pic.twitter.com/I1zEPaBLYO— Forsvaret (@forsvaretdk) September 27, 2022

German magazine Spiegel reported that the US Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”) recently warned Berlin about the increasing signs of a possible planned attack on the Nord Stream pipeline.

CIA warned Germany weeks ago of coming attack on natural gas pipelines Nord Stream I & II (from Russia to Germany), reports Der Spiegel.

Russia could have pulled off such an attack but “It is difficult to see whether Russia or Ukraine could have an interest in such an incident” pic.twitter.com/7jZWvYdhgI— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) September 27, 2022

In January 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

In February 2022 President Biden said, “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Pres. Biden: “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Reporter: “But how will you do that, exactly, since…the project is in Germany’s control?”

Biden: “I promise you, we will be able to do that.” https://t.co/uruQ4F4zM9 pic.twitter.com/4ksDaaU0YC— ABC News (@ABC) February 7, 2022

It could be a coincidence but it just so happens that on Sunday, Germans had been demonstrating demanding an end to sanctions on Russia and the reopening of the pipelines.

Thousands of people in Plauen in Germany against Olaf Scholz’s policy and the explosion of energy and gas prices. They demand an end to sanctions on Russia and the reopening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Demonstrations also in other German cities but EU media censors them. pic.twitter.com/jw1RSvcUq1— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) September 26, 2022

In what could be another coincidence, the day after the Nord Stream was sabotaged, leaders from Poland, Norway and Denmark attended a ceremony to mark the opening of the new Baltic Pipe, a key stage in the drive to wean Poland and Europe off Russian gas.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/wkJKchLRJXk?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparentEuronews: Baltic Pipe, Norway-Poland gas pipeline opens in a key move to cut dependency on Russia,
27 September 2022 (2 mins)


United States complicity seems increasingly to be an open secret

This section is republished from Eugyppius.

Radosław Sikorski, MEP, former Polish defence minister and husband of well-connected neoconservative intellectual Anne Appelbaum, has publicly thanked the United States for attacking the Nord Stream pipelines.

Thank you, USA. pic.twitter.com/nALlYQ1Crb— Radek Sikorski MEP (@radeksikorski) September 27, 2022

Jim Geraghty, the senior political correspondent for the American political journal National Review, has also praised the attacks in a brief column under the headline “Who Will Rid Me of This Meddlesome Pipeline?” He’s been arguing about the importance of taking Nord Stream 2 offline since February and suggests that the present attacks reflect his influence.

The biggest detail to break since I went to sleep yesterday, is this claim made by an anonymous intelligence source to Spiegel, that the CIA had warned Germany of Baltic pipeline attacks over the summer:

The United States warned the German government weeks ago of possible attacks on gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. According to information from Spiegel, a corresponding tip from the US intelligence service CIA was received in Berlin in the summer.

Several persons familiar with the matter confirmed this. …

Even before the invasion of Ukraine, NATO partners had repeatedly pointed to suspicious activities of Russian ships over nodes of the underwater networks.

However, an initial analysis of satellite images from the area of the incidents showed only inconspicuous ship traffic at first glance, security circles said.

The Tagesspiegel has a longer piece today trying to come up with a plausible motive for Russia. They imagine that a Russian attack might have had the purpose of allowing Gazprom to escape contractual requirements to deliver gas through Nord Stream 1, thus driving European energy prices higher. Alternatively, they propose it might’ve been a ruse to circumvent sanctions for the repair of the pipeline. To even retype these theses is to reveal their infirmity.

The damage is expected to be extensive, and the gas will probably continue to vent for up to two weeks. The company that operates Nord Stream 1 has not ruled out a repair attempt. Nord Stream 2 AG spokesman Ulrich Lissek told NDR that images of the venting gas suggest that “the structural integrity of the pipeline must be massively damaged.”

Meanwhile, the German and EU officials have promised to get to the bottom of this and threatened the saboteur with sanctions.

UPDATE: One speculative point I’m been thinking about, is it looks like the attacks were partially botched. According to all reports, one of the Nord Stream 2 pipes has not been ruptured, and about 17 hours passed between the first and second explosions. Ideally, they would’ve cut all four pipes simultaneously, no?

The most likely suspect of the sabotage

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson outlined the most likely suspect of the sabotage against Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipeline.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/jLb0QeCQF_I?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparentTucker Carlson: This is an atrocity, 28 September 2022 (11 mins)

Gonzalo Lira argues that the Americans have declared war on Europe.

The Daily Sceptic published an article in August about the “Nord Stream 2 theory” of the Ukraine war. It quoted journalist Mike Whitney who in February argued that “the Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine – it’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2.”

And a 2015 article published in Pipeline Technology Journal may give hints of a method of sabotage and an earlier, aborted attack on the pipeline when the Swedish military cleared an unmanned underwater vehicle rigged with explosives that had been found near Nord Stream 2.

Full article here : https://expose-news.com/2022/09/29/most-likely-saboteur-of-the-nord-stream-pipeline/

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This entry was posted on October 4, 2022 by in Germany, Globalism, Poland, Russia, USA, Vladimir Putin, War and tagged , , .


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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.