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I have never witnessed such harm as is caused by covid injections, cardiologist tells GMC

By Rhoda Wilson on March 4, 2024

Dr. Dean Patterson, a leading consultant cardiologist in Guernsey and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, wrote an extraordinary letter to the CEO of the General Medical Council (“GMC”) calling for an investigation into unprecedented harms from the covid injections.

The letter was penned in response to a complaint made by a junior doctor against cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a world-renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease.

Matt Kneale, a junior doctor, complained to the GMC about the conduct of Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who has a large following on Twitter and has been posting since 2022 that covid injections are linked to cardiac illness and death. However, Kneale was told that the GMC would not be investigating Malhotra because his statements were not sufficiently “egregious” to merit action and he had a right to “freedom of speech.”

Kneale’s appeal against the GMC’s decision was turned down.  So, Kneale filed a claim with the High Court, arguing that the GMC should consider whether a doctor’s behaviour could harm patients and whether their actions undermined public trust in medicine. Kneale said that this was particularly important when examining statements relating to “vaccines,” where doctors with a high profile on social media could potentially cause great harm.  A judge decided to let the judicial review proceed.

Read more: Doctor launches legal challenge over GMC’s failure to investigate fellow medic’s covid vaccine claims, The BMJ, 6 July 2023

On 15 February 2024, the GMC published a statement saying their original decision had been erroneous, which was, it appears, a tactic to ward off a judicial review (“JR”). 

We considered Dr. Kneale’s request under Rule 12 of our Fitness to Practise Rules, which set out the grounds that must be met for us to review a decision, and subsequently informed him that the grounds for a review hadn’t been met.

While preparing for the JR, we identified an error in the Rule 12 decision, which means that it needs to be re-taken.

The JR of our decision will now not take place and we will again consider Dr. Kneale’s request for a review of his case.

Making a fresh decision at the Rule 12 stage does not mean that the allegations against Dr. Malhotra will be investigated.Statement on Judicial Review of our handling of complaints about Dr Aseem Malhotra, General Medical Council, 15 February 2024

On 19 February 2024, Guernsey cardiologist Dr. Dean Patterson wrote to Charlie Massey Chair of the Executive Board of the GMC to show his support of Dr. Malholtra and to inform the GMC that the medical establishment appears blind to vaccine harm.

“I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a distinguished medical professional who, through his dedication to improving public health and promoting evidence-based medicines, has inspired numerous medical professionals to speak out in support of non-pharmaceutical management of chronic illness. He has been attacked for his stance in the past, in respect to his views on sugar and statins. He today again stands accused of spreading dangerous misinformation by a group of medical professionals who appear dedicated to reducing science and medical practice to an echo chamber,” he wrote.

 “I have been inspired by Dr. Malhotra’s bravery. He is the UK standard bearer for integrity and bravery in speaking out for patient safety. The world needs more doctors like him. Many doctors are too afraid to challenge mainstream dogma. Enabling doctors with opposing views to shut down Dr. Malhotra’s freedom to speak will damage patient safety,” he added.

Dr. Patterson has been an outspoken critic of the way the covid pandemic was managed and the “vaccines.”  In 2021, he wrote to the then-Civil Contingencies Authority to outline his views.  In 2022, he spoke at an event offering an alternative discussion on covid. During this evening, he gave evidence of an increase in myocarditis cases he has treated.

Read more: Guernsey cardiologist renews calls for covid vaccine inquiry, Bailiwick Express (Guernsey Edition), 29 February 2024

“The covid-19 vaccine has caused me intolerable concern for patient safety here in Guernsey. In my 33 years of medical practice, I have never witnessed such harm from a therapeutic intervention,” he told the GMC.

“I lost a female patient due to myocarditis aged 42 in 2021. A 63-year-fit woman died from myocarditis 1 month after her booster vaccine in 2022 after getting breathless within 1 week of the injection. In addition, I personally cared for a 20-year-old male with severe myocarditis which developed within 24 hours of his second Pfizer vaccine,” he said.

“In the first year of the rollout, I diagnosed 20 patients with myocarditis and 15 cases of pericarditis … In the 16 years prior to this, I would on average diagnose 2-3 myocarditis cases per year, with serious cases being limited to 1 every 3-4 years.”

He told the GMC about ONS data which shows 250 hospital admissions for myocarditis over 10 years which for Guernsey equates to 2 per 10 years.

However, “in the first year of the [vaccine] rollout, we had 10 hospital admissions for myocarditis. In the second year of vaccine rollout, I have seen another 18 myocarditis cases,” he said.

Additionally, Dr. Patterson has noticed an increase in the number of heart failure and acute myocardial infarction cases.

 “The side effects don’t stop there, as we have seen a doubling of the stroke numbers recently with an increase in overall thrombo-embolic disease since the rollout of the covid-19 vaccines,” he said.

“The medical establishment appears blind to the harm. I am extremely concerned that medical practice itself will be irreparably damaged by the fallout from the mishandling of the covid vaccine side effects. Dr. Malhotra must be supported in his efforts to shine a light on this.

“It is my opinion that the side effects being detected are the tip of the iceberg.”

Although covid infection is continuously blamed as the cause for the harm, Dr. Patterson said he had not diagnosed a single case of post-covid myocarditis before the vaccine rollout in Guernsey.

He noted that the UK government website since 2021 has stated that covid causes myocarditis. “The evidence they list for this was flawed,” he said.

“In 2020 Guernsey had 20,000 covid cases, which according to the paper by Buckley et al would lead to 1,000 cases of myocarditis, but I have not diagnosed a single case of myocarditis prior to the vaccine rollout,” he told the GMC.

It is Dr. Patterson’s opinion that the GMC must not only support whistleblowers like Dr. Malhotra but urgently put in place the following:

  1. A working group to investigate the Covid vaccine safety.
  2. A helpline to support doctors afraid of speaking out.
  3. A helpline to support those who are vaccine-injured.
  4. A panel should be established to open discussion and reporting the above strategy in the media, in a calm unbiased manner to avoid undue stress on the general population and the healthcare system.

There are many doctors and healthcare professionals who will openly endorse Dr. Patterson’s view but “there is a silent majority who will only endorse my view quietly in private conversation.”

“Medicine finds itself standing at a crossroads,” he said. “There are significant seeds of division. The question for you is therefore: Are you going to heal these wounds or empower the irreversible split of healthcare that beckons in an increasingly uncertain future?”

You can read Dr. Patterson’s full letter HERE.

Full article here:




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2 comments on “I have never witnessed such harm as is caused by covid injections, cardiologist tells GMC

  1. katharineotto
    March 6, 2024

    I don’t understand Dr. Kneale’s complaint. If Dr’s Patterson and Malhotra have both seen drastically increased incidences of myocarditis and other cardiac problems since the “vaccines” were rolled out, and are saying so, what is Dr. Kneale’s concern?

  2. Anonymous
    April 7, 2024

    katherine…this I believe is a rossiya funded site…

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