
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

The NWO Globalist Stooge Zelensky & His Epic Betrayal of Ukraine

Posted onFebruary 26, 2022byState of the Nation

Did Jewish President Zelensky conspire with his Zionist masters to genocide the Ukrainian citizenry?

A Ukrainian
Stages the Melodrama of the Millennium

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
SOTN Exclusive

There’s something very wrong with the meticulously engineered war in Ukraine!

First, it’s now clear that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was contracted by his Zionist masters to provoke this highly staged war with Russia. All of the proof is right there in plain sight.

Not only is there no question about that stark reality, all of the emerging evidence on the Ukraine battleground points directly to a highly organized genocide-in-progress led by Zelensky against the residents of Kiev and other major cities located WEST OF THE DONBASS.

The Donbass itself has been targeted for genocide by the Ukrainian military since the civil war first started by the Obama administration in 2014. That CIA-directed color revolution in Kiev was the beginning of a slow-motion massacre of Russian speakers throughout eastern Ukraine.

What this really means is that paid “Crisis Actor” and serial “Drama Queen” Zelensky was deliberately installed as a so-called ‘peacemaker president’ in order to disarm the citizenry as the “Presidential Comedian” … … … and then subject them to a stealthy genocide.

Why else would Zelensky plead with the defenseless and untrained residents of Kiev to take up arms against the most powerful military on Earth? Not only that, but the first wave of Russian military to enter Kiev is being led by Spetsnaz—the most impressive and competent special operations forces in the world.

Really, Ukrainian woman and girls, old men and young boys, are going to take up arms (see recent photos below from Ukraine) against the battle-hardened and rigorously trained fighting machines who belong to the Spetsnaz special forces?!?!

What a joke this is? A very bad joke by a fake comedian turned president, no less.

Zelensky will go down in history as the first president ever to intentionally lead the citizens to a guaranteed slaughter, when the ONLY option was to swiftly surrender to the advancing Russian military so that a peace treaty could be negotiated to protect the powerless people.

Question: As always, “Qui bono?” Who really gains from an outright slaughter of Ukrainian civilians? That’s easy, the Zio-Anglo-American warmongers who are fastidiously setting up Russia as the aggressor in this rapidly intensifying regional war. What better advertisement for military enlistees from around the world than showing pictures like those posted above, which were really CIA-directed photo shoots. No one does fake war propaganda photographs like the CIA’s Mockingbird Media—NO ONE!

Zelensky the Zionist Puppet

As for precisely why Zelensky was CHOSEN to do this dirty work, Part II in this ongoing series will explain that secret plot and well-hidden back story.

CLUE: Who else can pull off an underhanded holocaust like the genocidal triad of Zionist warmongers, Ashkenazi banksters and Khazarian mafia? How easy is it, then, for the same depopulation arm of the New World Order globalist cabal to carry out a major genocide in their ancestral lands of Ukraine and surrounding territories. After all, this pathologically murderous tribe of Khazarian kleptocrats will eventually need a Plan B when Armageddon comes to their wholly own apartheid state of Israel. That Plan B is surely the Ukraine; but first they need to remove the indigenous Russian people from their ancestral lands. And the ancient Rus’ tribes were there first, but it was stolen by the utterly lawless Khazarians. Nevertheless, nothing has ever stopped the Zionists from conducting genocide wherever a forced exodus was necessary to depopulate the territory for their land theft as they did with Israel. See: There’s a secret plan for the reverse migration of the Jews back to their Khazarian homeland.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace
State of the Nation
February 26, 2022


Full article here: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=107827


Here’s the written agreement between the DoD and Ukraine regarding the development of biological weapons.

READ HERE: https://2001-2009.state.gov/documents/organization/95251.pdf


Why Did the US Embassy Official Website Just REMOVE All Evidence of Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs?



Ukrainian MP: ‘We are not only fighting for Ukraine, we are fighting for the New World Order’

Ukraine has for years been a center of child sex trafficking, as reported in 2015 by Huffington Post.




The Rise of Zelensky from Comedian to President of Ukraine – Buckle Up


7 comments on “The NWO Globalist Stooge Zelensky & His Epic Betrayal of Ukraine

  1. katharineotto
    March 2, 2022

    Well, HKW, I always love your perspective. I agree the whole situation stinks. I hope the Russian-speaking Ukranians can communicate with Russian military to protect those innocents caught between international squabblers.

  2. Waldemar Mazurkiewicz
    March 2, 2022

    The articles getting worse and worse ! Please stop this nonsense russian propaganda !

    • HKW
      March 2, 2022

      How about waking up to the Western globalists propaganda ?

  3. Bruce Błaszczyk
    March 3, 2022

    Do you have any evidence to support these claims?

  4. Karenditto
    March 3, 2022

    This is spot on. Bravo, you are intelligent and this coincides with the illuminati trans agenda as well. Keep preaching, brother Revelations is here.

  5. ddsasdfafasdfasdf
    March 18, 2022

    What you are missing is this is all to pave the way for the Antichrist, which, ironically, will turn against the evil people who are bringing this new world disorder posing as order. These same people who are ushering in the Antichrist are going to be the ones to take the MARK OF THE BEAST on their right hand OR forehead (because not everyone has a right hand) and they will be forever banned from heaven. They will be thrown into the lake of fire to be tormented forever along with Satan, the Antichrist and the Beast and False Prophet. If you don’t Jesus is Lord, you better start finding out who HE is before it’s too late. “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Book of Revelations

  6. Bubba Rogowski
    May 12, 2022

    Hallo my friends, I was reading a blog by miss Somos about the Military Order Centuria. Very interesting, do you have any further info for me? I am very curious which links there are with military/political parties and/or politicians in EU or worldwide.

    I would love to hear from you.
    Kind regards

    Bubba Rogowski
    The Netherlands 😎

    The blog itself:

    Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists, gov’t needs to be held to account: experts
    Christy Somos CTV National News Associate Producer
    The group in question – which calls itself Military Order Centuria, or simply Centuria, has links to the far-right Azov movement.


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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.