
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

Why Bill Gates Can’t Be Arrested in Switzerland [VIDEO]

ER Editor: We also recommend this video interview between Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, former participant in WHO public/international health committees, in which Dr. Stuckelberger speaks to the points below about criminal immunity for Gates and members of GAVI in Switzerland. (Stuckelberger actually has much more to say about the operationality of the WHO, which is basically a health dictatorship over the member states of the WHO according to the WHO’s own constitution.)

See VIDEO:  (https://www.bitchute.com/embed/s8ywf3Y47oZ4/)


Here are some main points raised in the video:

  • Gates, a major donor to the WHO, requested to be part of the executive board of the WHO like a member state in 2017. It isn’t official yet (not voted upon) but he has member country status in the WHO.
  • Swiss Medic has signed a contract with Gates and the WHO (Gates likely has similar contracts with individual member states although this is a hypothesis). If you’re a country, how can you sign a contract with the WHO (it’s a corporate agency) AND with Bill Gates? Countries are thus beholden to 2 private, corporate operators.
  • GAVI pays no taxes in Switzerland. So Switzerland is hosting an NGO on its territory but receives no taxes from them. Further, GAVI has ‘qualified diplomatic immunity’ in their area of operations. So they have not been criminally liable as of 2009. The police, for example, don’t have the power to search their computers.
  • Why does GAVI in particular enjoy these exceptional circumstances?
  • Gates has more personal immunity than diplomats, reportedly.
  • The head of the ECB, for example, can forbid search and seizure of his/her professional tools such as computers. Such is the same for other European agencies. But Gates seems to go a level above this.
  • The Bank of International Settlements in Geneva is similarly immune.
  • Fuellmich: in these public-private partnerships, the private part has come to completely dominate the equation.
  • The UN has been functionally useless in this health crisis, along with the churches, in not providing citizens with alternatives.

Our question would be: which other countries have allowed Gates and GAVI this exceptional status?

2020News.de, led by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, has put out its own article on this topic, below.


Why Bill Gates can’t be arrested in Switzerland


In Switzerland, the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) can do whatever it wants, so to speak. The prosecution, the arrest of its representatives, so for example also of Bill Gates, is excluded.

Reason: a far-reaching contractual agreement made with the Swiss Federal Council in 2009.

Members of GAVI are governments of industrialized and developing countries, WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), vaccine manufacturers from industrialized and developing countries, as well as health and research institutions and other private donors. The alliance was founded on January 29, 2000, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, with the aim of addressing the stagnating, and in some cases even declining, vaccination rates in the world’s poorest countries, which had already begun in the late 1990s.

An agreement regulating the legal status of GAVI in Switzerland was concluded between the Swiss Federal Council and GAVI on June 23, 2009. It entered into force retroactively as of January 1, 2009.

The agreement states that “Within the scope of its activities, GAVI Alliance enjoys immunity from jurisdiction and execution, except: (a) when such immunity has been expressly waived in a particular case by the Executive Director or by the person designated by him; (b) in the case of a civil liability action brought against GAVI Alliance for damage caused by a motor vehicle owned or operated on its behalf; c) in the case of a seizure of salaries, wages and other emoluments owed by GAVI Alliance to one of its officials ordered by a court decision; d) in the case of a counterclaim directly related to a principal action brought by GAVI Alliance; and e) in the case of the enforcement of an arbitral decision rendered pursuant to Article 29 of this Agreement. ”

The referenced Article 29 governs GAVI’s submission to private arbitration, in which the parties each designate one member and usually agree on a third. The tribunal determines its own procedure; there is no external control.

The individuals representing the alliance, which include Bill Gates, are also beyond the reach of the authorities:

“Subject to Article 20 of this Agreement, the Executive Director or, if he is unable to attend, his deputy and senior officials shall enjoy the privileges, immunities and facilities accorded to diplomatic agents under international law and practice.”

Similar provisions apply to the Board of Trustees, officials and other persons acting on behalf of GAVI.

The only exception (Article 20) is motor vehicle liability cases: “Persons shall not enjoy immunity from jurisdiction in the event that a civil liability action is brought against them for damage caused by a vehicle owned or driven by them, or in the event of a violation of federal road traffic regulations, provided that such violation is punishable by a regulatory fine.”

GAVI may further operate entirely without the risk of access by law enforcement and other Swiss authorities on its premises:

“The buildings or parts thereof and the adjoining grounds used by GAVI Alliance for its own purposes shall be inviolable irrespective of the prevailing conditions of ownership. No representative of Swiss authorities shall enter them without the express consent of the Executive Director of GAVI Alliance or such person as he may designate. The archives of GAVI Alliance and all documents and data carriers belonging to it or in its possession generally shall be inviolable at all times and in all places.”

Enforcement on real property owned by GAVI is virtually excluded:

“The buildings or parts thereof, the adjoining land and the assets owned by GAVI Alliance or used by it for its purposes, irrespective of their location and ownership, shall be exempt from: a) any form of requisition, seizure or expropriation; b) any form of execution, other official compulsory measures or measures preceding a judgment, except as provided in paragraph 1.”

In addition, GAVI Alliance enjoys tax exemption in Switzerland to the greatest extent possible.

However, in Article 21, the agreement clarifies that “the privileges and immunities provided for in this Agreement are not accorded for the purpose of conferring personal advantages on the beneficiaries thereof. They are granted solely to ensure the free conduct of the activities of GAVI Alliance and the full independence of its officials in the course of their work for GAVI Alliance under all circumstances.”





Reposted from: https://www.europereloaded.com/why-bill-gates-cant-be-arrested-in-switzerland-video/

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.