
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property

January 25, 2019



In pre-revolutionary Russia, Jews followed 
the Talmudic prescription 
that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” 
for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized 
by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. 
This is the beating heart of Talmudic Judaism 
and the inspiration behind the New World Order.
Most Jews are unaware of this and would deny
it, just as most goyim would deny that their
so-called leaders have joined in this satanic plot
to rob humanity of its birthright.
“The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, 
and everybody [every Jew] who seizes it, has acquired it.” – Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b
“Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.” – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason.
In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs:  “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.”Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.   
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ”  Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property.
Disclaimer: Why do I, a Jew, help expose this information?  Because this is not who I am, nor who my family or Jews I know, are. I am the inventor of Scruples, a game based on 1200 moral dilemmas. However, this is what the Masonic Jewish bankers and their flunkees, many of whom are Jewish, are up to. This dispossession of humanity, beginning with the spirit, and ending in some gulag or nuclear conflagration, is happening. I could remain quiet. I sound this alarm as an act of love, for Jews and non-Jews alike.  
from April 8, 2008
By Henry Makow PhD.

In 1869, Jacob Brafman,  a Jewish convert to Christianity published a book in Russian about the Jewish communal organization, “The Kahal” which suggests that Organized Jewry conspired against the Gentile population. Like most books of this kind, it is no longer available.

Luckily, in Nov. 1881, Mme. Z.A. Ragozin published a thorough account of it in “The Century Magazine” ( Vol. 23 Issue I) under the title  “Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View.)”  (This remarkable essay is online.)

Ragozin was a scholar of ancient Near Eastern history who, in the 1880’s, published a half dozen books on the Chaldeans, Persians, Assyrians etc.


Brafman’s book was based on a thousand internal documents of the Kahal. Its most startling revelation:

The Kahal followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. Obviously a source of anti-Semitism, this may explain the true predatory nature of Communism (and the New World Order)  behind the idealistic-sounding window dressing.

For example, Brafman, whom Jewish historians refer to “an informer,”  explains Jew “X” buys the rights to Gentile “Y”‘s house.

“He has acquired ‘khazaka’ i.e right of ownership over the house of gentile “Y,” in force thereof he is given the exclusive right, guaranteed from interference or competition from other Jews, to get possession of the said house…’by any means whatever.’  

“Until he has finally succeeded in transferring it to his official possession, he alone is entitled to rent that house from its present owner, to trade in it, to lend money to the owner or to other gentiles who may dwell in it — to make profits out of them in any way [that] his ingenuity may suggest….”

The second part may provide a model of how Gentiles were exploited by a Jew.

According to Brafman, the documents “show as clearly as possible in what way and by what means the Jews, notwithstanding their limited rights, have always succeeded in driving alien elements from the towns and boroughs where they have settled, to get into their hands the capital and immovable property in those places, and to get rid of all competition in commerce and trades, as has been the case in the western provinces of Russia, in Poland, Galicia, Romania…”

Selling alcohol and money lending were ways to finagle property. The Jewish vodka dealers would show up at harvest time and sell alcohol to farmers on credit. Before long the drinking habits of the peasants and compound interest combined to transfer the property and future harvests into the vodka dealers hands. (See  E. Michael Jones, “Russian Roulette” Culture Wars, May 2006, p. 24.)


Fifty years after “The Kahal” was published, Christian civilization in Russia was brutally destroyed by the Bolshevik Revolution which was a front for the Illuminati Jewish bankers.  The salient aspects of this revolution, apart from the imposition of a ghastly and depraved police state, was the confiscation of untold Gentile wealth and the slaughter of millions of non-Jews.  This holocaust gets little notice because Illuminati Jews control the mass media and education system using self-righteous and highly-paid dupes of the “neo-con,” “liberal,” “feminist” “socialist” and “Marxist” Jewish stripe to enforce an intellectual tyranny.

The Rothschild front Kuhn Loeb & Co. got a handsome return on their $20 Million financing of the 1917 revolution. In 1921 Lenin gave them $102 million. ( NY Times Aug. 23, 1921.) As well, they may have kept wealth and bank accounts the (Tsar) Romanov’s foolishly entrusted to them.

In addition, Illuminati Jewish bankers took ownership of Russian industry.  German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to “destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises.”

The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 million roubles. In this context, A. N. Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks: “They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German banks after the war were to control Russian industry.” “The Truth About the Slump” (1931) by A.N. Field. (pp.62-72)


Lenin and Trotsky created the infamous secret service “Cheka” (later renamed OGPU, then NKVD and finally KGB)  to steal property and crush resistance.

Communism_Is_Theft.png“The first Cheka units set up in every city or town were engaged first and foremost in the extermination of Tsarist bureaucrats, gendarmes and high ranking officers, the families of White Guards and all citizens whose property was valued at 10,000 roubles or more. There were thousands of scientists and engineers who were killed as “exploiters” and about half the country’s doctors were either killed or forced to emigrate.  People were murdered at home, in the streets, and in the cellars of Cheka headquarters irrespective of their age.” (Slava Katamidze,   “Loyal Comrades, Ruthless Killers -The Secret Services of the USSR 1917-1991” p. 14)

Thousands of Christian priests and monks were sent to the Gulag and slaughtered.

“The Church became the target of Bolshevik hostility from the very beginning. Resistance to the confiscation of church properties, especially silver and gold items, was especially fierce…Now priests called on their parishes to resist confiscation, accusing the authorities of pocketing most of the proceeds.” (Katamidze, p. 25)

It is estimated that the Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, according to courageous Jewish writer Steve Plocker who says the Cheka was led and staffed mainly by Jews.  The Cheka was empowered by  Lenin and Trotsky, who were Illuminati Jews and financed by Illuminati Jewish bankers.

“Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” Plocker writes. “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jews.”


In “Russian Jews and Gentiles,” Mme Rogozin writes:

“There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshipped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him…” (909)

spain.jpeg(left, Communists massacred priests and confiscated church property during the Spanish Civil War)

Not to excuse the murderers, many rank-and-file Jewish and non-Jewish Communists truly were duped into thinking Communism represented poor workers, the sharing of wealth and social justice. Much like today,  Illuminati Jews had brainwashed the flock.  However, other Jews did see through the deception and heroically fought against Communism.

The Illuminati puppet masters work arms-length in order to maintain the illusion that history is unfolding in a random fashion. Thus at various times, Stalin did rebel against his handlers and did persecute their Jewish agents. Many believe Stalin was ultimately murdered when he attempted a final crackdown.

The mirror reverse image of the “Red Terror” was the Nazi persecution of the Jews and confiscation of select Jewish property in the 1930’s. I suspect the Illuminati Jewish bankers were responsible for the rise of the Nazis and benefited by expropriating the wealth of their Jewish competitors. The big German bankers were very involved in the “Aryanization” of Jewish property.


Since the English Revolution, history reflects the gradual process by which mainly Jewish finance and its satanic Gentile allies have used Freemasonry, “revolution” and war to overthrow Christian civilization and replace it with their  economic, social, political and cultural hegemony, i.e. “The New World Order.”

I doubt if  Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents. (Haven’t they converted most of us?)  I suspect the Talmudic spirit (the Chosen People monopolize wealth at the expense of the vast majority who are considered animals) inspired imperialism and still motivates the Illuminati today.

As I have said, the Illuminati Jewish bankers use Jews as pawns and agents. Their partners are Satanists from all ethnic backgrounds who also subvert and betray their own people. Their plan is to disinherit and domesticate (“educate,” social engineer, brainwash) the human race to their purpose.   They are behind  9-11, the  “War on Terror” and the wars in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. They are the reason the mass media is a joke.They are behind hate-laws, feminism, multiculturalism, and diversity –all this is mind control & social engineering. (Ever hear multiculturalism foisted on Israel or China?)

A cancer is destroying Western civilization. That cancer is the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who control our economic, political, cultural and spiritual institutions. In other words, our “leadership” represents an occult imperial power at war with us; and we can’t even recognize it because our institutions have been subverted.

America today can be compared to Russia before the Revolution. According to W. Schulgin, “the brain of the nation was in [Illuminati] Jewish hands and it became business, as usual, to think in Jewish categories…In spite of all the restrictions, the Jews controlled the mind of the Russian people.” (Jones, Culture Wars, p. 42) 

A real Jew (and Christian and Muslim) stands for God and a universal Moral Order. Thus, world government can never be “good for the Jews” no matter what elite status they enjoy.


Related – A link to a download for the German version of the books. 

Jacob Brafman – Das Buch vom Kahal Band 1 + 2 (translated from Russian by Dr Siegfried Passarge)


Related – In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs:  “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.”Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.   
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ”  Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Go to this Chabad website: Genesis 25:29-34  ‘Esau sells Jacob his birthright’.  They want us to sell ours.
Selected comments:


James Perloff said (February 9, 2017):
It was hard work stealing all that gold and silver from those resisting Russian churches and homeowners. (Talmudists dislike hard work.) This is one reason they subsequently wanted America’s gold confiscated by Roosevelt’s fiat order of 1933 (wherever that gold is now, it isn’t likely Fort Knox).

More to the point, it is why the Talmudists want a cashless society where all money is digital. Then only a few keystrokes will be needed to pilfer billions, instead of all that tiresome, old-fashioned business of breaking down walls with hatchets to find the person’s wealth, and carting it away in carts or lorries.


Peter R said (September 6, 2015):

They want much more than our wealth, which they have been stealing through fractional reserve banking for a long time, and stepped it up since 2008. They want total control over us. Why else would they own or manage all the media that broadcast their disinfo and filth at us 24/7?

The internet (which is truth, at least part of it) is their only problem, but they are working on it. It is not surprising that before the internet virtually all of us had only the boob tube and thus were totally ignorant of the truth. They also want our lives. Why else would they put up the Georgia Guidestones?

Every year they seem to get nearer to their goal. Something big in the economy is supposed to happen this or next month. If true, they won’t let out any details, but all the ominous signs are there. If it really and finally happens, paper wealth will burn; only gold and silver coins will preserve (and gain) value, which makes total sense, considering that they enslave the world with their worthless paper coupons.



9 comments on “Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property

  1. WW2Truth
    March 22, 2019

    Good article, but Makow is only half right. There is no evidence that Hitler or the Nazis had a deliberate policy of mass-murdering Jews, nor were they funded by the Illuminati and/or the Rothschilds. I have read Makow’s sources, and they prove nothing. The fact is, the Nazis exposed the Rothschilds and the Masons. They even established a museum to show German citizens what was going on in the lodges around the country.

    • HKW
      March 23, 2019

      That’s your version and your selective, convenient ‘truth’ as obviously you are a nazi sympathiser. Sutton and Mullins provided lots of evidence as well. The evidence was there in plain view during the German occupation of Poland experienced in horrific ways by the Polish nation. Hitler was the Illuminati’s stooge and Germany at present continue their imperialistic politic representing the satanic European Union. Any reasonably thinking person can see it !!

    • Pip
      March 3, 2022

      You MUST read, WALL STREET AND THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION, by Professor Anthony Sutton.
      Then you must read WALL STREET AND HITLER, by Professor Anthony Sutton.
      And to top it off: WALL STREET AND FDR.
      Three forms of SOCIALISM were paid for by WALL STREET BANKERS.
      The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
      by Antony C. Sutton
      The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
      by Antony C. Sutton
      National Suicide: Military aid to the Soviet Union
      by Antony C. Sutton
      National Security And Trade With The Soviet Union
      by Antony C. Sutton
      Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1930-1945
      by Antony C. Sutton
      Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930
      by Antony C. Sutton
      Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1945 to 1965
      by Antony C. Sutton
      Trilaterals over America
      by Antony C. Sutton
      The BANKERS built the Soviet Union! And they financed Hitler!Think about it!

  2. WW2Truth
    March 23, 2019

    Provide concrete evidence that Hitler was a Rothschild stooge. There is a great deal of evidence that Poles and NKVD slaughtered thousands of volkdeutsch just prior to WW2. Poland had a chance to negotiate with Germany but instead out Smigly in power and then the coward fleed and let thousands of his officers get slaughtered by the Soviets at Katyn.

    • HKW
      March 23, 2019

      There is enough evidence out there. Do your own homework! I don’t have time to waste on the likes of you.

      • WW2Truth
        March 24, 2019

        “the likes of you!!!” It’s 1935 Hollywood calling, they want their catch phrase back.

    • Larrie
      July 2, 2022

      Hitler was the opposite of the Rothschilds clan. He was on to the jews. Read his book, “Mien Kampf

      • HKW
        July 2, 2022

        Hitler was the elite stooge

  3. larryzb
    April 13, 2019

    The collapse of communism in late 1991 allowed Western researchers to visit these alleged “death camps” in occupied Poland. The result of their forensic research: these really were work and transit camps, not extermination centers.

    No need for name calling here. The evidence, or lack thereof, informs us that the holocaust tale is a gross distortion and exaggeration propagated for sensationalist propaganda purposes.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.