
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

When the Winged Hussars Arrived – The Battle/Siege of Vienna in 1683…

The year is 1683. An enormous Turkish army attempts to batter its way into Vienna, whose inhabitants and small garrison have been starving for the best part of a month.

Standing between them and total annihilation is the alliance of the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Confederacy, the latter’s Winged Hussars being counted on as crucial should victory be achieved. …
The amazing attack of Polish winged hussars in half an hour resolved the fate of the battle. It would be expected that the gratitude of the Austrian emperor will be enormous. Nothing more wrong!
One of the witnesses, Emil Bardysz (“Medical diary from the Viennese expedition of 1683”) describes it in this way:
“The king’s meeting with the emperor fell coldly. Leopold I did not take off his hat neither when (Polish)Prince James was presented to him, nor when Polish banners bent before him during the review of the troops. It was high insult to King Sobieski and all Polish knights. Relations have deteriorated since this meeting. The Austrians stopped supplying Polish troops. They also refused to accept the burial of Polish soldiers in the city, indicating fields and cemeteries further away, where the fallen soldiers from the Turkish army were buried. There have been instances of opening fire to hungry Polish soldiers attempting to enter the city. They also made it difficult to obtain the ships needed to transport the wounded and sick to the hospital organized in Prezburg. After these actions, opinions appeared among Polish soldiers that the emperor had unnecessarily been given relief … ”
Was this victory worth it for Poland? Unfortunately It strengthened the Habsburgs, hostile to Poland.
Of course, both Leopold I, as well as Pope Innocent XI did not spare Polish King Jan III Sobieski the most pathetic compliments. The Pope even wrote: ” “On this happy day, Your Royal Majesty proved worthy not only of the crown of Poland, but deserved to wield the whole world if the skies would allow only one monarch …”. It is difficult to find the words of greater hypocrisy from the mouth of a man recognizing himself as the only superior of the whole religion. Leopold did not hit such high notes : “The whole world speaks of the king in the highest praise and admits that his arrival saved Vienna. (…) I assure you that I will always have total confidence in him … “.

In the following years, neither the Papacy nor the Habsburgs diplomatically or politically helped Poland. Paradoxically, the final collapse of Poland began with the “Vienna victory”.

If King Jan III Sobieski did not help the Austrians to rescue Vienna, we would have one potential partitioner less
*****(The partitions of Poland – 1772, 1793, 1795 – were conducted by Habsburg Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the Russian Empire, which divided up the Polish lands among themselves progressively in the process of territorial seizures and annexations, by which Poland’s size was progressively reduced until, after the final partition, the state of Poland ceased to exist, until November 11 1918)*****
As a result, Russia and Germany – forced to defend their borders against a powerful Muslim threat – would prefer to seek an alliance with it instead of plotting against the Commonwealth (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, formally the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania)…
Terrified by the imminent, real jihad, France would join the anti-Islamic crusade. In place of Victory of Vienna, we would celebrate a few years later the victory over the army of Kara Mustafa, near Lviv. Istanbul would be called Constantinople (or Janopol?), Nobody would even hear about ISIS. … Unfortunately – this blessed act of omission did not happen. Two terrible powers grew at our borders, responsible for our partitions, two terrible world wars and (with the approval of France and England) – half a century of Soviet occupation. Today, the European Union gave up itself to Muslims as a slave, with requests and threats, trying to convince us to commit collective suicide with the rest of Europe…..



3 comments on “When the Winged Hussars Arrived – The Battle/Siege of Vienna in 1683…

  1. Robert Jarosz
    November 9, 2018


    Dla przypomnienia: Prymitywnym i Skundlonym:

    Inicjatorami i egzekutorami TARGOWICY byli:

    michał jerzy poniatowski – prymas Polski, skazany przez sąd kryminalno-wojskowy na karę śmierci za zdradę ojczyzny

    józef kossakowski – biskup inflandzki, powieszony za zdradę ojczyzny 9 maja 1794 w Warszawie

    ignacy jakub massalski – biskup wileński, powieszony za zdradę ojczyzny 28 czerwca 1794 r. w Warszawie

    wojciech skarszewski – biskup chełmski, skazany przez sąd kryminalno-wojskowy na karę śmierci za zdradę ojczyzny,

    michał roman sierakowski – biskup pomocniczy przemyski.

    adam naruszewicz – biskup łucki.

    antoni onufry okęcki – biskup poznański

    jan stefan giedroyć – biskup żmudzki

    ferdinando maria saluzzo – nuncjusz papieski.


  2. arcu ballist
    November 17, 2018

    The Turks had dug a vast web of tunnels and were past the outer wall and close to the second wall, [of 3].. The Germans, [Austrians], dug their own tunnels and managed to intercept the sappers. It was only a matter of hours before the stacked gunpowder barrels exploded somewhere in a tunnel. The janissaries were ready to move into the city through the holes created and the weakened defenders had nowhere to flee.
    “In the nick of time”, describes the Hussars arrival, and their reputation as fighters panicked the Ottoman slave warriors.
    Polish troops were forbidden to take booty. Maybe, the Germans wanted it ?
    No matter. The soldiers took everything they could carry. And the King took a kingly share. Well, it was free for the picking; like mushrooms in a field after a storm.
    Thanks to the Polax there was coffee and croissants in Wien.
    The partition #1 began 100 years later, so tenuous are accusations of perfidy.
    Politics and greed have no honor. Loyalty is a death wish in international politics.
    The partitions would have happened, anyway. For hundreds of years German peasants had been settling Western Poland and Slav lands East of Berlint in scattered communities. These expanded, had German administration, united and annexed the surrounded land. Sort of pincer movements. As in Bohemia.

    IMHO, Germans behave exactly like Jews. And there is a mutual attraction. In the USA a symbiosis. And both promote Polonophobia.
    Perhaps, the ‘Dumb Polack” joke was the blessing in disguise for Polish People.
    Maybe, hurtful and confusing,, but they showed up those two enemies who wrote them. And best of all, it separated the Polax from the decrepit, morally bankrupt, pure and perfect West Euro crazies.
    Yet, the Poles yearn for integration with the derelicts. So, is time running out ?
    Do they want integration ? They must count their blessings.
    On a podcast, Norman Davie = Young Poles should accept diversity.
    Strange thing to say. Curious. Poland is the most homogenous country in Europe. Why this, now ? Is he befuddled in old age ? Or are there shekels changing hands ?

    • Rob Veggett
      November 20, 2018

      Amazing outlook on the issue. I’m astounded, indeed. Thanks ever so much.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.