
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

Why Israel and Jews now seek war with Poles ?

Crushing the goyim


How can such a small country in the world cause this much storms in Poland? This is unheard of as to how they have changed their view of the Holocaust. They supported not only the thesis of German propaganda, but also the Nazi one. And that’s something that the mind of every Pole can no longer comprehend.

Yair Lapid, head of the central group Yesh Atid wrote: “I totally condemn the new Polish law that tries to deny Polish complicity in the Holocaust. It was established in Germany, but hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered without meeting a German soldier.”

In other words, this Jew claims that Poles killed hundreds of thousands of Jews? Has he gone mad?

One may disregard this statement of a madman, but the rage of the beast in the Khazar Jewish state reaches its zenith! All the so-called ‘saints’, led by Netanyahu and the chairman of the Knesset, are condemning the parliamentary law on the Institute of National Remembrance, in which every person, even a foreign person, is to be punished for using the phrase of “Polish Death Camps”.

What right do the Jews have to once again provoke a war with Poles? Do they understand that in doing so they support the Nazi doctrine?!

How are Poles to respect them now if they spit on Polish nation throughout our history?

They wanted to build their own country in the Polish lands called Judeopolonia, but without success. It s that their revenge now?

They themselves organized and managed ghettos during the Second World War. They thought that when the Germans withdraw from Poland they then would not give up the areas where the ghettos were located.

They were on the services of the German Nazis and signed death sentences on their Jewish compatriots and even family members in the ghettos.

After the Second World War, they entered the PZPR  communist structures and murdered the Polish underground army.

It was them, with the lips of the main rabbi in Poland, Schudrich,  who called us Poles: the Nazis, just because we dared to profess our freedom in the Independence March.

And now they are slandering us to the whole world accusing Poles of murdering Jews and even their our own kinship in our concentration death camps! SCANDALOUS!!!!


It’s high time you ended this hypocrisy, deception and falsehood; otherwise any co-operation or friendship with you will become IMPOSSIBLE.


Every now and then you create INTERNATIONAL WARS, as well as war with Poles now and with Polish patriots.

It is you who fuel hatred towards Poles, you act against our people, and you act against Poland.

You are the danger to the entire human world!

Why there is no law or act that punishes Antypolonism yet?

What is going to happen now with the law on the IPN?

As it now goes from Sejm to the Senate it must be passed by senators and then it will go to the president’s desk.

However, will the pro-Jewish president, Andrzej Duda sign this law or will he be disgraced once again by serving the warmongering Jews instead?

Will the Polish politicians succumb to the Jewish beast and stop the proceedings?

I hope NOT !


Why the leftists hate Poland?

By Jan Peczkis


9 comments on “Why Israel and Jews now seek war with Poles ?

  1. jkd22008
    February 3, 2018

    Excellent post. 🙂

    There is a global eugenics program. Unfortunately, “they” are on the move so don’t care how many former allies they offend — they don’t need them as their power becomes more and more consolidated.

  2. Rob Veggett
    February 4, 2018

    WHY THE LEFT HATES POLAND? MUST SEE! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M44PRJbsjuY&t=2s

  3. Rob Veggett
    February 4, 2018

    WHY LEFTISTS HATE POLAND – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMCTnEZWFhA

  4. Rob Veggett
    February 4, 2018


    Why nobody says anything to everyone that Poland has already paid for all Jewish claims regarding their property left after the WW2 and taken over by the communist People’s Republic of Poland. Everything was paid to them, a total of 40 million dollars paid in installments in the years 1960-1980. These $ 65 billion now is a demand for payment for the same again, and this is not a coincident sum, because it is the equivalent of Poland’s full-year budget, which may result, after paying it, in a takeover of everything Polish in nature, and thus the Poles will be reduced to the second or third class of citizens in their own country !!!

    • romanianalien
      February 6, 2018

      The same old broken record: Hitler was a paedo, gay, gipsy, black, a cokehead, a pervert etc. Ure not too smart, anon, are u?

  5. arcu ballist
    February 8, 2018

    Has a Jew gone mad ? Hardly, they are born mad; they are natural born psychopaths. The only way to deal with such mental defects is to understand totally:
    #1; they will NEVER change
    #2; they do not know what they are doing: Can’t help themselves & have no remorse.
    #3; they expect Gentiles to change to suit their momentary, self centered wants.
    #4; they are incapable of introspection, and so are impossible to reason with.
    #5; THEY DON’T CARE. [eg. J T Gross, the Jew parasite]

    *6* Gentiles must know themselves.
    *7* Gentiles must know their enemy,. The enemy is a serpent, and the offspring of their father the devil who is a liar and the father of liars.
    *8* Gentiles treat Gentiles with respect and expect the same from Gentiles. Not so with Jews. [Polish history shows this. Do Poles NEVER learn ?]
    This is the great and sad mistake Gentiles make; they want to reason with a Jew who is not capable, because the Jew is never a Gentile.
    Gentiles want to forgive and forget and get on to better living. The Jew never forgets and gets on to revenge; always.

    >9< The only way to deal with a psychopath is to get away fastest. Or, keep the lunatic as far away as possible at all times. Never to discuss anything with Jews.

    Best of all, expose the Jew, and use laughter and derision to denounce the synagogue of satan.
    This is not easy for tender hearted gentiles.
    Easy for some, who like to get their pound of Jew flesh. On one site all the Yids, Hasbara Trolls and Sayanim have blocked me ! Oy ! Vey ! So sad. So frustrating. NOT !

  6. Pingback: Miscellaneous Info on White Genocide 3* | Economic & Multicultural Terrorism

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" - Wyśmiewani za niemodny patriotyzm, wierni Bogu i Ojczyźnie podnieśliśmy głowy."


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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.