
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Flaga Ukrainy1

Lichwiarze i współcześni właściciele niewolników oszukują cały świat nazywając siebie narodem wybranym. Jest to jedno z najbardziej niepojętych oszustw w historii ludzkości. W rzeczywistości my prawie nic nie wiemy o współczesnych przedstawicielach narodu wybranego. Ale za to bardzo dużo wiemy o żydach – samozwańcach, o tych, których ja nazywam Chazarami.



Usurers and the current slave-owners are deceiving the whole world calling themselves the chosen people. It is one of the most incomprehensible fraud in human history. In fact, we know almost nothing about the modern representatives of the chosen people. But we know a lot about Jews – the self-appointed chosen ones, that we call Khazars.



Petro Poroshenko (Walcman) – żydPetro Poroshenko (Walcman) – żyd  JEW



Turczynow (Kogan) – żydTurczynow (Kogan) – żyd   JEW



Arsenij Jaceniuk (Bakaj) – żydArsenij Jaceniuk (Bakaj) – żyd    JEW



Aleksandr Szlapa – żyd

Aleksandr Szlapa – żyd   JEW



Andrij Parubij – żyd

Andrij Parubij – żyd    JEW



Wołodymyr Grojsman – żyd

Wołodymyr Grojsman – żyd   JEW



Arsen Awakow – ormiański żyd

Arsen Awakow – ormiański żyd   JEW



Stepan Kubiw – żyd

Stepan Kubiw – żyd   JEW



Serhij Paszynskij – żyd

Serhij Paszynskij – żyd   JEW



Julia Tymoszenko (Cylia Kapitelman

Julia Tymoszenko (Cylia Kapitelman)  JEW

( Evil in her eyes)




P. Poroszenko, I. Kołomojskij, D. Firtasz, W. Pinczuk, R. Achmetow




 The Main candidates for a presidency – all jews
Julia Tymoszenko (Cylia Kapitelman)
Ołeh Tiahnybok (Frotman)
Witalij Kliczko (Etinzon)
Dmytro (Awdim) Jarosz

Ołeh Tiahnybok (Frotman

Ołeh Tiahnybok (Frotman)  JEW



Witalij Kliczko (Etinzon)

Witalij Kliczko (Etinzon)   JEW



Dmytro (Awdim) Jarosz

Dmytro (Awdim) Jarosz   JEW



Ikony nazizmu Zachodniej Ukrainy:

The Nazi icons of Western Ukraine

Stepan Bandera (Szymon Sztefan) – polski żydStepan Bandera (Szymon Sztefan) – polski żyd   polish jew and the butcher of Poles

Roman Szuchewycz – polski żydRoman Szuchewycz – polski żyd   Polish jew





I. Kołomojskij, E. Gurwic, G. Bogolubow, P. Poroszenko (Walcman), D. Firtasz, S. Lewoczkin, W. Hajduk, W, Nemirowskij, K. Żewago, W. Pinczuk, E. Prutnik, R. Achmetow, A. Martynow, W. Kostelman, E. Sigal, B. Kolesnikow, A. Feldman, F. Szpig, N. Szufricz, A. Rodnianskij, I. Dworeckij, A. Abdinow, W. Jermołajew, M. Kiperman, E. Zwiagilskij, F. Żebrowskaja, M. Bekker, S. Ronis, G. Korban, F. Surkis, I. Surkis, W. Szamotij, A. Leszczynskij, I. Rodi




Chazarski leb w ukrainskiej fladze==============


Ukraine “Disappears” Opponents of the Kiev Regime.

By Eric Zuesse
Global Research, April 09, 2015

In Odessa — the same city where the Ukrainian civil war started on 2 May 2014 with a massacre of opponents that had been carefully planned by a team connected to the U.S. White House — there are reported to be two bloggers for the “Voice of Odessa” political site who were seized by the Security Bureau of Ukraine on April 7th, and whose “whereabouts are unknown.” This report appeared in the local Odessa News.
The “Voice of Odessa” site was formed right after the massacre, in order to get an independent investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators of that massacre, in which officially 46 people were burned, shot and clubbed to death, but unofficial estimates run over 200, all victims who have not been heard from since, and some of whom had allegedly even been abducted from hospitals after the massacre.
This report’s translated headline reads “SBU Detained Activists at Kulikov Field.” Kulikov Field is the square or plaza in front of the former Odessa Trade Unions Building, which is the building where the massacre-victims, who had been printing and distributing pamphlets opposing the newly installed government, were murdered, by Right Sector troops in plain clothes, and also by mercenaries in the private army of Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoysky, who had allegedly announced in advance that he would pay $5,000 per corpse. (There has been no reported follow-up, regarding whether he actually paid everyone who participated, or how he paid them.)
The report on these disappearances says that the names of the missing bloggers are Svetlana Naboka and Marina Zhavoronkova, and that both women were seized at around 10 in the morning of April 7th. Furthermore, “one of the detainees seized during the search is now lacking her home computer, telephone and other personal belongings,” which presumably, were also taken by the state security force.
Whereas none of the perpetrators of the massacre has been prosecuted, the regime is trying to eliminate its opponents. On the same day that the two bloggers were seized, there was a related headline, “SBU reported on the closure of a number of sites for anti-Ukrainian propaganda.” That news report carried the following statement, from the SBU:
“The security service of Ukraine … has discontinued operation of a number of Internet sites that were used to perpetrate information campaigns of aggression on the part of the Russian Federation aimed at violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order and territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine.”
Presumably, the abduction, and perhaps elimination, of Svetlana Naboka and Marina Zhavoronkova, was part of that “discontinued operation” by the SBU against “aggression of the Russian Federation.”
The coup-established regime was not ‘the constitutional order’ in Ukraine. It overthrew the constitutionally elected President, and violated the Ukrainian constitution. However, “Big Brother” is based upon the Big Lie. So, it’s ‘the constitutional order.’ A good video shows the coup being carried out, but it actually started much earlier, in Spring of 2013. The same videographer also did a good video of the Odessa massacre.
Resistance to America’s Russia-hating Ukrainian regime is increasing, and it’s not only in Donbass — the region that has formally declared its separation from Ukraine, after Viktor Yanukovych, who had received 90+% of the vote there in the last democratic Ukrainian election, 2010, was overthrown by Obama. For example, barely more than three weeks ago, on March 12th, a column of Ukrainian tanks on trucks was blocked by overtly pro-Russian Ukrainians, who even showed the pre-communist (1710/1721-1858 &1883–1917/1918) flag of the then-single nation of Russia (from the time when Ukraine was part of Russia), which was until the Bolshevik Revolution. The video of this event, the courageous blocking of those trucks, was headlined “People stop military, sent by Kiev government, at Volnovaha.” The people who were blocking it are visible in the video carrying the three-striped — white, blue, and red — flag of the Russian Empire. Russian Television on March 16th headlined about this, “Defensive blockade: Activists stop Kiev’s military trucks heading to Russian border,” and reported that, “Activists in eastern Ukraine in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions [but not in the part that’s in liberated Donbass] are blocking columns of heavy military equipment heading from Kiev to the border with Russia.” Ukraine is massing tanks on the Russian border to either invade Russia (which Ukraine repeatedly has threatened to do) or else to defend against a Russian invasion (which Russia has not threatened to do). These truckers encountered such hostility that they backtracked and took an alternate route (presumably more northerly).
Officially in Ukraine, all opponents of the Obama regime there are ‘terrorists.’ (Thus, the government’s constant bombings of them are in an ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ or ATO.) The Obama team told its people to use this terminology because gullible individuals anywhere will oppose anyone who is merely labeled a ‘terrorist’ — even when the actual terrorism is on the part of the U.S. Government and its installed regimes, such as is the case in Ukraine.
The United States has become George Orwell’s Oceania. He got all the basics right. He is already the modern Nostradamus. However, Big Brother, the U.S. aristocracy, isn’t publishing that fact. Now, why would that be the case? Publishing that fact would confirm that they’re collectively Big Brother. That explains why the Brookings Institution is urging Obama to bomb Donbass longer and harder, and why over 98% of the U.S. Congress are urging him likewise, even though over two-thirds of the U.S. public who have any opinion on the matter, are against it. Obama, who did the coup, hasn’t pursued the extermination-program with the persistence that Big Brother demands. Big Brother demands more follow-through on his part. And, apparently, they’ll get it.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity, and of Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics






Ukraine Blocks 10,000 Websites, Confiscates a Newspaper


7 comments on “Ukraina to NOWA CHAZARIA ( NEW KHAZARIA)

  1. Pingback: Ukraina to NOWA CHAZARIA ( NEW KHAZARIA) | forumemjot dla Polski

  2. Pingback: Ukraina to NOWA CHAZARIA ( NEW KHAZARIA) | forumemjot dla Polski

  3. Putin the Jew
    November 2, 2015

    fuck all theukranian jews. They used the Ukranian mobs to murder. Just like Hitler a rothschildean by birth and also a Rothschildean agent murdered the Poles and others during world war 2 with his distant cousin Georgian khazaric jew Josef Stalin. All these are Jews including Putin, the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas are the worlds chazaric rulers

    • HKW
      November 3, 2015

      I am still watching Putin’s moves and would rather hesitate calling him a jew. I certainly do not put him in the same basket. Lets the events unfold further….

      • putin
        January 7, 2016

        keep hesitating, until he cuts your throat

      • HKW
        January 7, 2016

        That was a rather stupid comment on your part.

  4. Pingback: Oprócz błękitnego nieba nic nam więcej nie potrzeba? – zlornetkawsieci

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.