
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

Germans and Jews are two sides of the same coin

Germans and Jews are two sides of the same coin, and their behavior is very, very similar. No matter how much or how little someone has Jwish or German blood, they always gravitate to their Jwish/German side, and do the bidding for Germans/Jws. ALWAYS!
On “white nationalist” websites, they have plenty of volksdeutsch speaking against Poland, all one has to do is take a look at the posts, and see what’s their true agenda. Many of them are saying how WE, the Poles should have allied with Hitler, how NS (National Socialism – German: Nationalsozialismus, more commonly known as NAZISM) wasn’t/isn’t so bad, or how it is better than Communism/Marxism/liberalism… and I say NO. Because ALL of these sick ideologies are equally EVIL and anti-Polish!
“White nationalism” in it’s form as it is RIGHT NOW, in this perverted form, where most of white nationalists are pro-Hitler, I have to say again, that white nationalism is anti-Polish (POLISH NATIONALISM IS DIFFERENT, IT IS REAL PATRIOTISM!)… and it only advances Western European/Germanic interests… The so called “white nationalists” are doing real disservice to the REAL NATIONALISTS/PATRIOTS FROM ALL OVER EUROPE, who are NOT NAZIS, who are worried about Multiculturalism, flood of the barbarians from Africa and Middle East, who want to preserve their own unique White cultures in their own homelands!!!, Because of them (the re-writing history Hitler-cult ), the White people and True White Nationalists/Patriots today are under constant attacks, ALL OF US ARE LABELED AS NAZIS AND RACISTS, THE WHITE EVIL THAT SHOULD BE DESTROYED !!! because of THEM, OUR hands are tied, we cannot defend OUR good cause without being called “Nazis” or “racists”…
Western Europeans need us right now, because they are weak, and whenever they need us, we save them (as history shows), and AFTER they stab us in the back and destroy us… and rinse and repeat. And of course, at this moment they will preach ” we all need each other, we need to forget the past, we all….” blah , blah, blah…. But just turn around, and the same garbage is back: ” Treaty of Versailles” and what terrible “injustice” happened to the “poor” Germany! They are conveniently forgetting, GERMANY/Prussia, Austria & Russia like the greedy vultures divided Poland between themselves through the Partitions of Poland. They stole OUR ancestors lands, they rob US of everything, including OUR culture, our language and dignity, and treat US, the Polish Nation for 123 years like their slaves, primitive sub-humans (Untermensch)! It is THANKS to Treaty of Versailles, WE got OUR lands and OUR country back… not for long anyway, as the Germany already started to plan their revenge to steal OUR lands once again and this time the plan was complete annihilation of ALL POLISH NATION!!! (once again I will repeat Hitler’s words: August 22, 1939 Hitler ordered: “Kill without pity or mercy all men, women or children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space (Lebensraum) we need. The destruction of Poland is our primary task. The aim is… annihilation of living forces.” – OBERSALZBERG SPEECH) . We Poles shall NEVER forget, nor forgive, what was done to us!!!
How can anyone right in their head can defend Hitler, a psychopathic murderer and thief who killed MILLIONS of NON-J
WS, WHITE PEOPLE, GENTILES, CHRISTIANS AND ROB ALMOST EVERY EUROPEAN NATION FROM EVERYTHING WHAT HAS ANY VALUE?! How do Germans and their USEFUL IDIOTS have no shame in denying/white washing German crimes (including rewriting HISTORY)?
Why do Germans and Jws suffer from the “chosen one” complex? I believe a lot of Germans have Jwish admixture, which explains their J*w-like behavior.

About “Silesian autonomy”. It looks like Jws and Germans equally want to cut up Poland into pieces ONCE AGAIN, and this without a doubt, is a German/Jwish agenda. Silesia is Polish, and anti-Polish scum need to be deported back to wherever they came from. Silesians who speak German are volksdeutsche scum who want to damage/ruin Poland AGAIN.

As for Hitler, the dark-haired, 1.75m “tall” imaginary “Arian”,
suffering Parkinson’s disease – It has been speculated Hitler had Parkinson’s disease – he had tremors in his hand and a shuffling walk (also a symptom of tertiary syphilis) which began before the war and continued to worsen until the end of his life…. he was a crypto-Jw (just like many of closest to him Germans-in-charge), his DNA say so, Even Jws don’t deny that, and this is the last thing for them to be proud of!!!


Found on Facebook;    https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.lawrence.583/posts/10218282352994991

3 comments on “Germans and Jews are two sides of the same coin

  1. arcu balist
    February 8, 2019

    This is a good OP and just about says it all. It’s worth re-reading to get all the points, which seem true and to the point.
    I’ve been following the Alt-Right / Far Right / White Nats / NW Euro Perfect in every way imbeciles, etc. with interest for the past 3 years. There is no doubt that the ”movement” is imploding. It has talked itself into confusion and boredom.
    It is almost totally infiltrated by Jews. Or by the CIA, which is Jew run.
    The non Kikes are either stale old farts who had said their part years ago or have a site and are desperate to keep it up but have O to add.

    2 Alt Right podcasters, Lauren Southern. [Simonsen], is a Yenta, and Stefan Molyneux is a Jew, too, Boo Boo. They are the TV screen faces of the Far Right.
    Dennis Wise, [English ?], could be a Gentile with St Adolph Syndrome. Does not seem so bright despite his name. Old age issue ? Speech impediment, to be kind.
    Mike King, is anti Polish troll ! Loves Mr H.
    Apparently, Edward Rydz Smigly = The Man Who Started WWII. That article is so extraordinarily stupid that it is obvious it was written for his illiterate and lazy supporters. No doubt many are Germans with low self esteem and stuffed to their gills with jealousy and envy.
    Germans are ever the best, because they kill off all competition.
    John Kaminski, despite his name is anti Polish. I’ve never heard him say anything good about Polonia. Which for Polax is unusual. His other DNA is Irish, and he does look very much a wizened Leprechaun.
    New on the $$$ block is Jordan Peterson. Very clever, well spoken, uses NLP, expounds common sense on everything for the modern young who don’t have a daddy. He is a Prof in Linguistics,[NO !]. From UN, [Soros office].
    His target = White Young Males. These must NEVER believe they belong to any Nation.
    Yes. Kraut & Kike are on the same shekel. 80% of Jewmany was owned outright by Yids, who were completely at home in Jewman society. Germans won’t admit to this and make out that Jews in Poland were in every town and in greater number. This is true, but there was an obvious dividing line and poverty. Yet, where was the line between Germany and Jewmany ? None. As in US of A, today.
    All the named revolutionary movements are Jew run. As was St Adolph, who suddenly became an NS in 1933, on receiving shekels from Yid Banksters in Jewmerica.
    @ Poland and Polax.
    On reading posts and replies by Polax on various sites there are All the signs of Heads held high Nationalists and Loyal Poles. Very inspiring, to all who read. [not G & J]. This is only a novelty to Western zombies.
    Very Romantic, too. Which is dangerous.
    Never mind saving the friggin West worms ! They have no backbone; why give away yours. You don’t need them. Get it ? You never needed them !
    If you welcome snakes and host serpents you will get bit in the face. You want ?
    If there is an influx of dead-beat Whities into Poland who are looking for a safe space with a “””loyal”””,[ prized novelty], Slav wife, it will be a Jew run op.
    These West cowards and losers are as useful as a train full of Hindus and Pakistanis, [who salivate over blonde eyes and blue hair].
    Keep them out for your own Polax lives to prosper. Truly, you don’t need crud.
    Sobieski is dead. If he’s resurrected he’d kick your asses. [not donkeys].

    • HKW
      February 8, 2019

      Unfortunately for Poles the Polish-speaking snakes have already established themselves in the government and are under the boot of the jewmerican lobby in Washington. These snakes bite Poles on every opportunity that arises using their law of hate speech and throwing people in jails , not mentioning about the secret ‘serial killer’.

  2. francis
    June 3, 2019

    Interesting article, you must stand your ground.

    My country England has been taken over the German Communist who are blocking us leaving the EU.

    We are having to sue for independence


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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.